What Goes With A Car, Comes With A Car, Is No Use To A Car 04/01/202209/11/2021 by Mr. Riddles Riddle: What goes with a car, comes with a car, is no use to a car, but the car can’t move without it?Show AnswerAnswer: Noise Solve More Riddles:What Is That Which Goes With A Carriage, Comes With…What Goes Up, But At The Same Time Goes Down?What Comes In Many Varieties And Cant Be Seen Or TouchedWhat Goes In The Water Black And Comes Out Red?What Goes Further The Slower It Goes?We Hurt Without Moving We Poison Without TouchingWith Head Without Hair With Mouth Without ToothWhen It Comes To Me, You Go On Red And Stops On GreenWhat Do People Make That You Cant See?What Flies Around All Day But Never Goes Anywhere?