There is a woman on a boat wearing a coat riddle
Riddle: There is a woman in a boat, on a lake, wearing a coat. If you want to know her …
Riddle: There is a woman in a boat, on a lake, wearing a coat. If you want to know her …
Riddle: Mom and dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?Show …
Riddle: What does a rich man needs that a poor man has?Show Answer Answer: Nothing
Riddle: What goes through towns and over hills but never moves?Show Answer Answer: Road
Riddle: What has a head and a tail but no body?Show Answer Answer: Coin
Riddle: What is far behind us, and can be seen without looking at it?Show Answer Answer: The past
Riddle: What is the last thing you take off before bed?Show Answer Answer: Your feet off the floor.
Riddle: What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?Show Answer Answer: Palm
Riddle: What lives when it eats and dies when it drinks?Show Answer Answer: Fire
Riddle: Turn me on my side and I am everything. Cut me in half and I am nothing. What am …