What Zips Through The Sky With A Tail Of Fire And Dust 21/11/202109/11/2021 by Mr. Riddles Riddle: What zips through the sky with a tail of fire and dust. It could be an omen, its origin to discuss?Show AnswerAnswer: Comet Solve More Riddles:Woodchuck Chuck RiddleYou Saw Me Where I Could Not Be RiddleReaching Stiffly for the Sky I Bare My Fingers When It’s…Give It Food and It Will Live RiddleI Am Always Hungry I Must Be Fed RiddleA Cowboy Ride Into Town on Friday RiddleWhat Is so Delicate That Saying Its Name Breaks ItIt Builds It Table on My Shelf RiddleIf I Drink Water I Die if I Eat My Age IncreasesWhat Lives in a Tiny House All Alone Riddle