With Pointed Fangs It Sits In Wait, With Piercing Force It Doles Out Fate 12/11/202109/11/2021 by Mr. Riddles Riddle: With pointed fangs it sits in wait, with piercing force it doles out fate, over bloodless victims proclaiming its might, eternally joining in a single bite What is it?Show AnswerAnswer: Stapler Solve More Riddles:What Is Black and White and Red All Over?I Go In Hard, Come Out Soft RiddleWhat Is so Delicate That Saying Its Name Breaks ItPeanut Butter And Cereal RiddleI Help You From Head to ToeWhat Is the Coolest and Most Awesome of All the Vegetables?Pete And Repeat RiddleWhat Lives in a Tiny House All Alone RiddleHow Many Sides Does a Circle Have RiddleWoodchuck Chuck Riddle